To Sweet Or An Induction?!?

39.1 weeks today wow! I was supposed to have a membrane sweep yesterday to hopefully bring on labor as it worked so well with my two little girls. In addition, I was already having 10 min contractions but all fake labor.
Unfortunately, when I went to the doctor it wasn't with my regular doctor, he would have done it as he approved it before hand. Since it wasn't my regular doctor she wouldn't do one. We were all pretty disappointed. Luckily, I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday. I wanted to make sure the parents are here for their child's birth so badly.
I was actually pretty disappointed, but at the same time the induction is only a few days away, and it's a definite, no guessing or worrying if I am in labor or not. I have never had an induction before, so this will be a whole new journey for me. I hear such bad things about inductions, but I know I can't go off of what others say and create my own opinions, especially since I don't know how the process works.
With my quick labors this may be better for everyone involved, I will get the medication needed, since I am GBS positive I won't have to worry about getting penicillin in time. My only fear is that I like my quick labors as I never get a chance for an epidural, where with an induction I am worried they will push my labor out for many hours, but I am not sure if that is how it works. We will see.
Either way I am super excited about having baby, having my body back, I'm actually excited about pumping for baby as well. I splurged and got a really nice hands free, cordless, in bra pump... I am hoping this will help so much with production, and me being a busy mom, I can pump and hang with my kiddos at the same time, so much more convenient! Lord knows my house needs some major cleaning that I have been putting off since I'm finding it harder and harder to move!