My Surrogacy Journey | After Transfer

What happens after the excitement of Transfer Day? You wait.
May 18th, 2018
The day after transfer. Pretty normal and no changes that you can tell other than my uterus calming down. Throughout the day I was either starving or nauseous and had tender breasts. Granted these may be good but the progesterone in oil can cause the same symptoms. I'm not jumping for joy but staying positive. We still have 8 more days before we find out!
May 22nd, 2018
The waiting game! Seriously, I have to wait 10 days! You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get when you're really excited or even like you're sitting on pins and needles? Having to wait these 10 days is 100 times worse. You constantly think, "Did it work, did it not?" Maybe this is a sign or that is a sign, but you don't want to read into it. It's horrible. Three days left till we find out if the baby took. And the even worse part is after the blood test I still have to wait a few more hours. Geez, they really know how to build suspense!
May 24th, 2018
And still waiting...
May 25th, 2018
Today is the day! Today is the day I find out if this dream is coming true or if it will be a longer road. Honestly, I am scared, nervous... scared. Why scared? What if I'm not pregnant? Granted some things you can't control, but I have come to love my intended parents and want this for them so much! Almost as much as I want this dream to finally happen. Nervous, well that's pretty obvious. All the signs are there, all good signs. But I know the progesterone and estrogen can play a huge role in this as well so as of now I am hoping and trusting the process and God to see this through.
May 26th, 2018
This was shared to my Facebook page by a very close friend and it brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to share this with you all as well, as it is very beautiful…
"We're all just walking each other home..."
I read this quote one beautiful summer day when I was on route to visit some family. It actually took my breath away because I felt like it was the very definition of what humanity was meant to be; us, taking each other's hands... and holding space for one another in this emotional adventure we call life.
Sometimes it's hard to see it though.
With too many headlines and anonymity and a world that often feels like a very scary place... it's hard to remember that we're all in this together.
Until one night, it happens. A text comes through:
"My water broke."
"Contractions are happening."
"We're on our way."
I arrived and simply stood back in the corner while a miracle happened...
One woman; whose life journey took an unexpected turn and left her unable to have children. But also left her with the undying desire to be a mother.
One man; in equal pain... equal suffering... equally wanting to start a family with his wife.
Another woman; who could carry their child and give them - quite possibly - one of the greatest gifts another human being could offer.
And just like that, a child was born. Not in a world of "yours" or "mine"... but in a world of "us" and "ours". A child so loved. A child so desired. A child whose bonds will cross an ocean.
That night, through tear soaked eyes, I had the immense privilege of documenting the most unique bond... the most incredible relationship... the most amazing gift;
The humanity of walking each other home…

Thank you so much to Genevieve V Georget for allowing us to share her words and her incredible photo.
Sometimes you see a picture and it hits you right in the heart, sticking with you forever. This is one of those pictures. My response: This is beautiful, definitely made me cry with all these hormones. I'm so happy I am doing this, and the journey, it is what I want to do. And then God told me it needed to be done.
So here I am, pregnant with a child that is not mine, but that I love just as much as my own. But it's not just the child, it's the family. It's everything. It is the must, among the tears and heartache they have been through and myself have been through.
Being a surrogate isn't just being an incubator—it's growing another family within you. You are making the dreams of one couple come true, the love, the courage, the strength is unbelievable. I wouldn't doubt this journey, I would do it 100 times over. The love and gratitude are so pure, it tugs at your heartstrings. I have way too much love to give for me to keep it all to myself. Unconditional love—this is what my Conor taught me and this is the way I will be for the rest of my life.