What is the Process for Surrogacy?

If you are considering pursuing alternative options for having a child, or thinking about becoming a gestational carrier yourself, you may be wondering what the surrogacy process looks like. How does surrogacy work? How long does surrogacy take? Is surrogacy safe? At Vermont Surrogacy Network, we can help you understand the surrogacy process from a top-level, and hopefully provide a deeper insight into some additional frequently asked questions about surrogacy.
What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a process, supported by a legal arrangement, in which a woman (the gestational carrier) carries a pregnancy to full term for an intended parent who is unable to conceive or carry one themselves. The process in full takes about one year, from the initial phases of application and matching, through delivery and beyond. Surrogacy is not always easy, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever have. It changes the lives of people in a one-of-a-kind way, giving them the gift of a child of their own. While the process is incredibly rewarding from a gestational carrier's standpoint as they are able to change lives, choosing surrogacy as an option to have a child when you're unable to conceive and carry yourself is equally as special.
What is the surrogacy process?
To help you better understand the surrogacy process from start to finish, here's a very brief overview of what it looks like. Once you submit your inquiry, you’ll have the opportunity to set up an initial phone interview, and then advance to a more in-depth online application containing extensive information to be screened by the surrogacy agency. For those considering surrogacy as an option to have a child when unable to conceive or carry themself, the process begins by connecting with a fertility specialist who provides advice on what steps are best suited for them.
After both the carrier and intended parent have been cleared, they will advance to the matching phase and be partnered appropriately through a series of interviews. Following this, the gestational carrier is then screened further, both physically and psychologically, to ensure that the pregnancy can be carried to term safely and successfully. Once all is approved, the contract between the intended parent and gestational carrier is signed, and the IVF cycle phase begins.
During the pregnancy, the two parties keep in close contact each step of the way, as well as attend a number of required check-ups and meetings throughout the term. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the surrogacy agency will assist in planning for delivery and beyond, and then go through with that plan in a way that all are comfortable with.
As we mentioned, this is a super rudimentary overview of the surrogacy process. If you'd like to learn more about the surrogacy process or what it takes to become a surrogate mother, check out our other articles here.
What does it take to be a gestational carrier?
Becoming a gestational carrier is a one-of-a-kind way to change lives: by giving the gift of a child to an individual who can not have their own. Being a gestational carrier looks a little different for every individual, as all journeys are unique. However, when you work with a trusted surrogacy agency, being a gestational carrier is straightforward, comfortable, safe, and highly rewarding. Being a gestational carrier takes a strong, selfless individual who has enjoyed being pregnant before and who is looking to change lives. You can find a full list of surrogacy requirements here for more details, or contact us if you think gestational carrying may be for you.
Is using a gestational carrier for me?
If you are unable to conceive and carry a child on your own, have been told by a doctor that you are infertile, or have other health concerns about becoming pregnant - but desperately want to become a parent, using a gestational carrier may be for you. As we mentioned above, the process for surrogacy is different for every journey, but if you believe that surrogacy may be your best option for having a child of your own, we highly encourage you to contact a trusted agency at your convenience. A trusted surrogacy network will provide answers to any questions you have, and create a plan to move forward that is tailored to you and your family's individual circumstances.
Things to look for when choosing a surrogacy agency
We've talked a lot about the benefits of working with a trusted surrogacy network, but what should you really look for when choosing a surrogacy agency? The answer looks a little different for everyone, but we're a little biased when it comes to an exceptional surrogacy network standard. To name a few musts: clear communication, genuine care for clients, and following health, safety, and legal protocols carefully are crucial for a trusted surrogacy network. These are all qualities that we at Vermont Surrogacy Network pride ourselves on, and qualities we're ready to offer you as you enter your surrogacy journey.
Whether you're an intended parent, are interested in becoming a gestational carrier, or just want to learn a bit more about the surrogacy process, say hello today. Vermont Surrogacy Network is here for all of your surrogacy questions and needs, and we can't wait to work with you.